One-On-One Coaching

One-on-One coaching

If you are ready to live an amazing life and have a fulfilling relationship that make you happy I’m looking forward to working with you!

Schedule a FREE 20 – minutes consultation over the phone by sending your information to me in the form located at the bottom of this page.

We will hop on the phone or on Skype. During our initial conversation, we will get to know each other and determine whether we are a good match as coach and client, I just want to make sure that you will get what you are looking for.

If we decide to give it a go, we will schedule our first formal session and you will choose one of the following options:

A)Individual Session:

One 1-hour Skype or phone call session= $85


B)Group of  Sessions* (most popular):

Four  1-hour Skype or phone call sessions = $280

*Benefits of the Group of Sessions:

1: You get to save money buying a group of sessions, rather than buying individual sessions.

2:  You get the assistance that you need from me, not only during our sessions,  but also in between sessions through e-mail, so that you feel supported all the way during our work together and you never feel like you are all alone.

3:   You have the flexibility to setup your group sessions whenever it is most convenient for you.

What will you get out of coaching?

As a result of investing in yourself you will be able:

  • To manage your emotions more effectively, without reacting and blowing up so easily regardless of what others do or say.
  • To feel good about your body and make changes like losing weight.
  • To get clarity and a sense of purpose and direction in your career and/or your life in general.
  • To know your priorities and drop all time-sucking stuff that usually overwhelms you and does not let you to move into the direction of what REALLY matters to you.
  • To stop feeling burned out at work.
  • To find/create and inspiring job/career.
  • To heal and move on from a break-up, separation, or divorce.
  • To feel really good with yourself, and stop feeling lonely.
  • To attract a healthy partner, or “the perfect job”, or opportunities into your life.
  • To inspire your partner to feel highly attracted to you, and spice up your relationship regardless of how long you have been together.
  • To stop worrying all the time about things like: your partner cheating on you, not having enough money, losing your job, the safety of a loved one, etc.

“Change is painful, but nothing is as painful as staying stuck somewhere you don’t belong”

How many coaching sessions will you need?

The number of sessions that you will need may vary. Some people benefit immensely from only one session and are instantly able to apply the tools they learn in their lives.

*The majority of clients, usually start to fully benefit after at least 4 coaching sessions, depending on their situation and the amount of work they need to go through before they can see results.

Why should you try coaching?

You should try coaching because it is simply amazing.  Coaching will empower you to be more resilient.

You will never, EVER look at your life in the same way. You will become a more compassionate person towards yourself and others, you will be a more positive and secure person,  and you will become aware of new possibilities that you could not imagine before.

Our sessions are completely confidential, so I become your confidant, your mentor and your personal coach.

Plus, the powerful coaching tools and strategies that you will learn, will not only help you with your current specific situation, but will also help you in other areas of your life. Once you learn how to use these powerful tools, they will be available for you to keep and use anytime you need them.

Coaching will work for you if you are committed to work on yourself!

Schedule your appointment now:

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